Success Stories

Top Line Growth through Improved Capacity Utilization
Ops Partners helped a client whose sales were constrained by the combined manufacturing capacity at their dozen plants. Through a combination of product profiling, asset availability, and end-to-end loss analysis, we were able to help the client increase output by 15% with existing assets, contributing significantly to both sales and profit growth.

Reduced Cost of Goods Sold through Modeling
We helped our client identify the best combination of suppliers and transportation options to minimize their total costs. Ops Partners analyzed our client’s supply chain and created a linear optimization model to prioritize cost-advantaged suppliers, align required volumes with supplier capacity, and identify key leverage points for upcoming contract negotiations. The engagement efforts resulted in a 20% COGS reduction compared to the prior year.

Company Turnaround following Private Equity Firm Purchase
Ops Partners works with Private Equity firms to maximize returns. A recent example involved a PE firm’s acquisition of a locomotive company. Members of the Ops Partners team served as interim managers, tasked with increasing sales and reducing costs, with minimal capital investment. The team delivered results that enabled to PE firm to sell to another company in the industry 18 months later, generating significant financial returns.

Process Improvement Initiative Lowers Costs, Improves Service
We worked with a client who was struggling with late deliveries and high overtime costs. Through stakeholder interviews and a detailed process mapping analysis, Ops Partners identified process improvements and recommended a minimal capital investment. The company executed the recommended plan and was quickly able to cut flow time in half while eliminating overtime – dramatically improving customer on-time delivery and yielding a significant annual savings.